W - Weller Relected DSC 2120

Photo/CARL MCKINNEY: Sue Weller, right, campaigns with her supporters last Tuesday prior to the election. 

HIGH SPRINGS – Tension was high Tuesday evening as candidates and supporters waited for election results at the High Springs Civic Center on U.S. Highway 441.

Candidates and poll watchers carefully observed the process as officials checked and double-checked the tallies in the race for a single seat on the High Springs City Commission between incumbent Sue Weller and challenger Bobby Summers.

City Clerk Jenny Parham announced the final election results to the waiting crowd at 7:50 p.m. to a resounding cheer from Weller’s supporters.

Out of around 3,600 registered High Springs’ voters, a total of only 712 ballots were cast during this election, with 373 going to Sue Weller, giving her the lead over Bobby Summers’ 325 votes. Of those ballots cast, 55 were submitted as absentee ballots, about average for a local election, said Parham.

Weller thanked her supporters for carrying her through the election.

“When the ballot numbers were read, my first feeling was relief,” Weller said. “It was a close race, but I think the citizens want our community to move forward and stop bickering.”

As far as her thoughts on the city’s future, Weller said she would like to see the city continue with plans to develop the downtown area and for the commissioners to work together for the benefit of all of the citizens.

“In the past, we have had a negative reputation, which has hurt us financially as well as being an embarrassment for our citizens.”

Challenger Bobby Summers made a few brief comments.

“The people spoke and that’s the way it is,” he said. “It was a hard-fought race and she came out on top.”

The night was not without incidents.

There was an electrical problem at Precinct 60, located at Fellowship Baptist Church of High Springs. An electrical surge caused a short in one of the voting machines when it was plugged in. No votes had been cast on that machine, and a new one was sent out to the site by county election officials and was properly certified in view of both candidates and the poll workers. Tests were run to make sure the new machine had been properly secured and was running efficiently.

Everything was back on track by 9 a.m., said City Manager Ed Booth.

Although the ballots were counted and the numbers were announced Tuesday night, the canvassing board must still meet in a public forum to audit and certify the election results. That meeting will take place Thursday, Nov. 7 at City Hall. Parham said that the time will be announced on the city’s web page, but could be as early as 9 a.m., if the county elections office is able to verify the four provisional ballots early enough.

The city charter lists the canvassing board members as the city manager, city clerk and city attorney.

Weller, a native Floridian and graduate of the University of Florida, has served as commissioner for the past three years and as mayor for the past year.

Weller will be sworn into office at the regular commission meeting on Nov. 14, and the new commission will vote to elect a mayor for the upcoming year.

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W - AgainTrickOrTreatOnMain DSC 0725Photo by ZUBIN KAPADIA/Alachua County Today: Hayley De La Pena and her son, Luke, dressed as Batman and Robin.  ALACHUA – Parents and children dressed in colorful costumes, scarecrows stood guard along the streets and local businesses turned into friendly haunted houses last week. The city of Alachua’s Chamber of Commerce transformed Main Street into a scene resembling Disney’s “Halloween Town” for their annual Trick-or-Treat on Main Street event.

Every year, the chamber of commerce creates a family-friendly atmosphere to allow residents to enjoy a night out on the town and give local eateries business. The event allows for children to enjoy themselves while under the protection of the Alachua Police Department.  

There was a multitude of contests, like best costume and scarecrow design. This year’s scarecrow winners were featured along Main Street to add as scenery for guests to enjoy.

The top scarecrow was ProActive Tax’s “Accounting Dracula,” followed by Dr. Douglas M. Adel’s “Monster Mash” band and Vanessa and Tina Polsen’s “Edward Scissorhands.”

The event was open to the public. Local resident James Mathis said he came to bring his son, Edge, to enjoy all the festivities. Mathis said he remembers coming to Trick-or-Treat on Main since he was 13 years old.

David Blackburn, a Gainesville resident, heard about the trick-or-treating through his coworkers in Alachua. Blackburn brought his girlfriend, Rekha Thayil, and daughter, Aliyah Blackburn, to enjoy her first Halloween and their first Trick-or-Treat on Main Street.

“For me, it is two-fold, seeing all of the creativity in the costumes and seeing all the kids reacting to the different festivities,” Blackburn said. “But seeing my daughter enjoying herself is the best part.”

Blackburn wasn’t the only one new to Alachua’s Halloween event. Hayley De La Pena, local teacher at Alachua Elementary brought her son Luke to trick-or-treat. De La Pena and her son teamed up to become the infamous Batman and Robin, with Luke being Batman. Their main focus was on collecting as much candy as possible, they said.

It wasn’t just families who enjoyed the atmosphere. Local restaurants, like Conestogas Restaurant located on Main Street, also prospered in the light of Trick-or-Treat on Main. Bevin Cason, manager at Conestogas Restaurant for the last seven years, said events like these bring in a lot of people and business. Cason said she is grateful for these sorts of events and joked that the restaurant tries to pump the smell of burgers into the street to attract customers.

Trick-or-Treat on Main also allowed for different service organizations to help in the festivities. Groups like the Alachua Lions Club, Alachua Police Explorers and Santa Fe High School’s Beta Club volunteered their time in helping the Alachua Chamber of Commerce and the City of Alachua with the Trick-or-Treat on Main.

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ALACHUA – The Alachua City Commission unanimously voted to tighten the regulations on sexually oriented businesses and merchandise at its Monday, Nov. 4 meeting.

The changes to the land-development regulations closed some loopholes which allowed certain businesses to sell sexual material.

Under the old regulations, businesses with more than 30 percent of their floor area devoted to sexually explicit media were classified as “sexually oriented media stores.” However, vertical displays on walls did not count toward the percentage.

“People always find a way to skirt the law,” said Alachua Mayor Gib Coerper.

The new regulation amends the definition, counting wall displays toward the 30 percent rule.

Stores with more than 10 percent of their stock consisting of sexually explicit media or sex toys, or stores that have more than 10 percent of their gross space selling such material count as sex shops under the new definition.

It’s a business’ First Amendment right to sell sexual material, said Mayor Gib Coerper, but they can still be regulated and zoned into certain areas. For instance, sex shops in Alachua cannot be within 2,500 feet from a school.

The decision to change the definitions for sexually oriented businesses came after a series of First Amendment court cases, Mayor Coerper said. The interpretation of the law is always changing, making it a never-ending issue, he added.

“We’ll probably have to revisit the issue in another five years,” he said.

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W - Blue springs

Photo special to Alachua County Today/ Divers and swimmers at Blue Springs near High Springs. Kim Davis' family has owned the location since 1958.

HIGH SPRINGS – Kim Davis has run Blue Springs for nearly 27 years. The spring itself has belonged to her family for 55 years. But all of that may soon change.

Davis and her brother, Matt Bahr, are looking for someone to buy the spring they have held near to their hearts for the majority of their lives.

The family received the spring in 1958, and Davis’ parents have been involved in running it since. When both her mother and father passed away earlier this year, she decided it was time to move on.

“We have a couple of other family businesses as well and have been stretched fairly thin,” Davis said. “This is something we needed to do and decided now was the time.”

She was not alone in making the final decision. Bahr, who was also active in the family operation, agreed it was the right thing to do.

“We have been in this area since I was very young,” Bahr said. “But this was a wish my dad had before he died, he wanted us to sell.”

However, the family knows that it will not be easy to let go of the Blue Springs.

“It is with a very heavy heart that we look for a buyer for our spring,” Davis said. “This is definitely an emotional time.”

Davis said she is looking for someone to take the spring to a better place than she could. She wants to find a new owner that would do everything they could to protect it, she said.

“I have no preference of a public or private buyer,” Davis said. “But people need to realize, what goes into the ground comes out in the water, and I want someone to protect the water.”

The property is 401.6 acres and is located near High Springs at 7450 NE 60th Street.

While the spring has been on the market for just over five months, with a list price of $10 million, it has garnered some interest, Bahr said.

Another goal of the family is to see the new ownership keep the current employees on staff.

“There has been no harder working staff than we have had,” Bahr said. Some of them have been there working there for 10 to 15 years.

“They all know the spring like the back of their hand now,” he said. “It would take new people a couple of years to get fully up to speed on those things.”

“Anyone coming in to the situation would need to know that these people are the best and really enjoy their work,” Davis said. “We would no doubt express to them that we want that to keep going, and I hope they would appreciate the staff.”

The state of Florida has many springs in its state park program, and is a possible option as a buyer for Blue Springs. It is still unclear if a deal would be made between the two parties.

“I would not be opposed to anyone at this point,” Davis said. “Really, my ultimate goal is just to have someone that wants to keep it open and keep it protected.”

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HIGH SPRINGS – After settling a lawsuit, the City of High Springs will not have to pay the attorney’s fees for the winning party.

Ross Ambrose sued High Springs last year, challenging a charter amendment the city commission passed. Commissioners Bob Barnas and Linda Gestrin supported a referendum that would establish a $1 million borrowing limit for the city. When the motion passed, however, the limit was changed to $2 million at the last minute, a departure from what was advertised prior to the meeting.

Ambrose sued both under Florida’s “Sunshine Law,” which requires state and local governments to maintain transparency to the public, and also under another statute requiring detailed notice for the passage of ordinances. The City of High Springs eventually settled, after the current city attorney and the city's insurance counsel agreed the commission violated the law by making substantial changes to the amendment that was advertised, said Paul Regensdorf, who worked as co-council for Ambrose with Linda Rice Chapman as the lead council.

“The city rolled over and confessed error,” Regensdorf said.

Under Florida Statute Chapter 286, there are provisions for recovering attorney’s fees if a plaintiff wins a lawsuit over a violation of the Sunshine Law.

Regensdorf estimated the total fees were in the range of $75,000 to $100,000.

“We’ve spent a lot of time and money on this,” he said.

The purpose of the Sunshine Law awarding attorney’s fees is to encourage the public to challenge state and local governments when they don’t follow the law, Regensdorf said.

The original trial to recover the fees ended with Ambrose being denied fees, despite his victory on the illegality of the city's actions. He then brought it to the appeals court, which handed down its decision last week.

Judge Stanley Griffis, of the Alachua Circuit Court, had originally ruled against Ambrose recovering the fees. The First District Court of Appeals agreed with the lower court,but did not write an opinion explaining its reasons.

Linda Rice Chapman, Ambrose’s lead council during the original lawsuit against the city, said that although there wasn’t a lot of legal standing for recovering attorney’s fees, it is good policy to award them.

“Otherwise, the little man could never have his voice heard,” she said.

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ALACHUA – The residents of Turkey Creek will soon have the opportunity to report their complaints of the Gainesville Renewable Energy Center (GREC) biomass plant to a call center.

The funding for the call center was agreed upon in a City of Alachua commission meeting Monday, Nov. 4 to allow a place for those affected by the biomass plant to describe their issues.

The Biomass plant has had controversy surrounding it since it began running in August. Although it’s located in Gainesville, many of the residents of Turkey Creek in Alachua have experienced problems concerning the amount of noise the plant emits and are looking to the city to solve the issue.

By providing a call center, Alachua is trying to free up calls to officers about noise complaints from the plant, said Assistant City Manager Adam Boukari.

“It’s really a response to providing a more streamline approach to this and not taking officers off the street that respond to emergency situations,” Boukari said.

Alachua residents have been coming to the commission meetings since August to voice their concerns about noise and dust pollution coming from the plant. Officials from city governments and the county have been receiving complaints through phone and email.

“It was so loud last night, my four-year-old cried going to sleep,” wrote Gina Rone in an email to the county commission. “He said ‘that loud noise scares me, mommy.’”

When the biomass plant was being built, Turkey Creek resident Russ Pisano said they were assured they wouldn’t even know the plant was there.

GREC provides electricity through burning wood waste. Dust coming from the wood piles has caused workers of the nearby Alachua County Public Works compound to complain of irritated throats, eyes and difficulty breathing.

In addition to the call center, the meeting ended with the commission suggesting the city manager look into setting up a workshop to work on creating an effective noise ordinance.

“I would like to see a workshop first and foremost on any type of noise ordinance, because I am not for something that is so strict that it totally handcuffs the community, but at the same time, I do want something that will help protect our citizens as well,” said Commissioner Ben Boukari, Jr.

The call center will be put in place and functioning within the next week.

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ALACHUA – Alachua-based Banyan Biomarkers has been awarded a $13 million contract from the Department of Defense (DoD) so they can continue to research a new blood test used to diagnose brain trauma.

The Department of Defense is interested in Banyan Biomarkers research because it could be useful for military doctors and would require less equipment and time than current brain trauma tests, said CEO Jackson Streeter.

Ron Hayes, founder and leading researcher, compared the blood results of a head trauma patient to a patient that has had a heart attack because they both give off proteins when they are injured.

When the brain cells are injured or die, proteins from the brain cells enter into the blood, Hayes said. Banyan can measure those proteins to determine how bad the damage is.

Those proteins found in the brain helped researchers including Hayes at the University of Florida’s McKnight Brain Institute start Banyan Biomarkers in 2002.

Since the founding of the company, Streeter said the research has put the city of Alachua on the map, making it a much-watched city for developmental medicine.

“Banyan is developing first-in-class, first-ever breakthrough technology for traumatic brain injury,” Streeter said. “If all of our work succeeds, it will come to affect the whole region.”

With the activity of the Innovation Gainesville initiative, a program created to foster innovative thinking and success, and the support of the University of Florida, more research facilities like Banyan Biomarkers and Sid Martin Biotech will be encouraged to move to the Alachua area, he said.

The company has been working with the Department of Defense for several years, Streeter said, so the DoD was aware of the research that Banyan Biomarkers has been doing in brain trauma.

“The DoD has a very large interest in being able to diagnose and treat traumatic brain injury, and that stems mainly from the large amount of brain injuries that have come out of Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said.

The government’s interest in new tests for brain trauma is not unreasonable, Hayes said. With the tests for brain trauma now, nobody can be certain how severe a brain injury is.

“To have a blood test as an objective determination, an actual organic determination of brain injury, that would be a very important asset,” he said.

Banyan Biomarkers is working to begin clinical trials to receive FDA approval of their diagnoses in early 2014 so that the company can begin to market the product.

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