
HIGH SPRINGS – High Springs City Manager Edwin Booth is expected to request the City Commission to schedule a public hearing sometime between the Jan. 10 and Jan. 24 regular commission meetings to receive comments and input from citizens regarding their ideas for the use of the old school building.

“In the past,” said Booth, “the Civic Center has acted as the community center.” Suggesting that the refurbished school building might be more centrally located, Booth said he thought the various size rooms might be ideal for meetings and other community events. However, Booth is adamant that the Commission needs to hear how the citizens feel about the use of the building before any decision is made.

Booth said he also looked into the possibility of venting and installing a stove to accommodate cooking classes or other events where food might need to be prepared. “The cost is prohibitive,” he said. “It’s in the $100,000 range, which is way too much for the City to consider.”

Due to a lack of cooking facilities at the school, the elder program will most likely remain at the Civic Center.

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